May 16, 2013


You already might know this, but one of my favorite artist is still Shirin Neshat..
Neshat is an Iranian visual artist who lives in New York City. She is known primarily for her work in film, video and photography. Today i want to show you one of her video's Fervor (2ooo)

Fervor, 2000, was being projected on two screens in black & white, and immediately focused on the negative view of love within the Iranian culture after the Islamic revolution. The black & white medium was an instant reflection of the clear-cut contrast of men and women in the mosque, with women in black veils and the men in white shirts.
In this piece, Shirin Neshat depicts two stories, one of a man, and another a woman, both in the same place, at the same time on independent screens. Throughout the narrative there is an infuriating conflict between the focal characters, as they both notice each other’s presence even without being able to see one another. This tension builds until the female character leaves, creating a feeling of helplessness with the audience. This division between the projection screens helped to depict the separation and distance of love within the culture, and separation from the women in this society, a detachment possibly felt by the artist after the Islamic revolution in Iran.

Fervor by Shirin Neshat from Ghasem Ebrahimian on Vimeo.

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